Definition of optimal synthesis conditions of nanocomposite based on ZrO2
nanocomposite, folding function, ion exchange capacity, real waterAbstract
ZrO2 combination with cheaper carriers such as activated carbon provides more economical use of ZrO2 and predicts receiving fine ZrO2 nanoparticles with a high degree of monodispersity. The aim is to build an adequate mathematical model of synthesis of nanocomposite “zirconium (IV) oxide - activated carbon” to identify the most efficient conditions of sorbent preparation based on ZrO2. Homogeneous precipitation method is used for nanocomposite synthesis. Mathematical process-ing is performed by convolution method. It is found that the nanocomposite synthesized by the identified optimal conditions, is able to treat the wastewater from electroplating nickel adjusting figures for GOST 9.314.90 and tap water of Fastow on ferrum according to the norms of drinking for DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10. Nanocomposite obtained by mathematical modeling is an effective sorbent for wastewater from ions-pollutants that produces water with indicators regulated by State standards of Ukraine.
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