Structural model of quality management of extraction, processing and transportation of gas


  • Maria V. Shevchenko Харк. нац. атомоб.-дорожн. ун-т



model, quality, management, extraction, processing, transportation, gas


Obsolescence of the existing transmission system, as well as the development of methods for the extraction and processing of natural gas and gas condensate determine the relevance of work. The development of the structural quality management model that takes into account characteristics of the extraction, processing and gas transportation and improves the efficiency of the gas production and transportation companies is the aim of the article. Article is based on the analysis of existing classical and new methods of quality management structure. Gas lifecycle quality management system, which reflects some features of the processes of extraction, processing and transportation of gas is proposed. The stages are presented and a structural quality management model, which is based on a decomposition approach and to determine the sequence of procedures for determining the quality of the gas. Scientific novelty of the proposed structural model in the article — in an adequate description of all the necessary components of the process management quality of extraction processes, processing and gas transportation from the basic requirements of DSTU ISO 9001:2008 systems to ensure product quality and development of existing methods of quality management on a new task pane – extraction, processing and gas transportation.


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Author Biography

Maria V. Shevchenko, Харк. нац. атомоб.-дорожн. ун-т

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, M.V. 2014. Structural model of quality management of extraction, processing and transportation of gas. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(43) (Jun. 2014), 273–281. DOI: