Modeling issues of low-speed elevator motor of biinductor type.




elevator, low-speed motor, biinductor motor, elevator electric drive, gearless electric drive, mathematical description


Most of the electricity used in the operation of elevators consumes elevator electric drive, so the main focus in the design of modern elevator designs is to improve the energy characteristics of winches and their control systems. Electric drives of passenger elevators, which are operated, include single or two-speed asynchronous electric motors and worm gearboxes. In modern elevator construction, there are two trends in improving the electric drives of machine drives, namely, ensuring smooth acceleration and braking of the working body; transition from an electric drive, in which a mechanical gearbox is used, to a gearless drive. This allows you to increase the efficiency by eliminating the element with a low efficiency. One of the ways to solve the problem of synthesis of a modern gearless elevator electric drive is the possibility of using a low-speed biinductor-type electric motor (biinductor electric motor) with a non-winding cylindrical rotor. The work conducted a technical analysis of the requirements for electric passenger elevators. The advantages of gearless elevator electric drives and the actual needs for low-speed drive engines are indicated. The possibility, in this capacity, of using an electric motor of biinductor type with a non-winding cylindrical rotor is considered. It is noted that the design scheme of the biinductor motor provides an increase in the specific values of power and torque, this is especially important with reduced rated speeds of gearless elevator winches. The basic structural parameters of the engine of biinductor type are considered and its equivalent structural scheme is proposed. The possibility of moving to a simplified structural scheme of the engine is shown, which, according to a number of assumptions, makes it possible to format any transfer function, both for the control and for the disturbing effect. Mathematical description of proposed electric motor is made as complex electromechanical system with multidimensional nonlinear objects.


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How to Cite

Boiko, A., Ivanov, V., Klymchuk, I. and Ihnatenko, D. 2024. Modeling issues of low-speed elevator motor of biinductor type. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Dec. 2024), 72–80. DOI: