Integration of heat pumps with heat extraction from the soil and air into building heating systems.
heat pumps, combined heat supply systems, renewable energy sourcesAbstract
The paper reviews the current state of heat supply systems for residential and public buildings. The need to use alternative energy sources for heat supply in residential and public buildings is shown. Various heat pump systems and heat sources are analyzed. The most common heat sources for heat supply systems using heat pumps are identified, namely the soil and outside air. For heat pump systems with heat extraction from the soil, various approaches to heat extraction are analyzed. The advantages and problems of using heat pump systems with heat extraction from the outside air and soil are characterized. It is shown that energy saving measures require an integrated approach. The use of heat pump systems in combined heat supply systems should be addressed together with the issues of thermal operating modes of buildings. It is proven that in order to improve the process of implementing heat pump systems, it is necessary to increase their profitability by increasing the share of replacing traditional energy resources with renewable energy sources. To study the efficiency of heat pumps with different types of heat sources, the paper presents a mathematical model of the operation of a heat pump with heat extraction from the outside air and the soil. For buildings with similar technical data, a study of the operation of combined heat supply systems using heat pumps with heat extraction from the outside air and the soil throughout the year was conducted. Based on the data obtained, comparative graphs of heat pump operation were constructed, and an analysis of the efficiency of the operating modes of the main equipment was conducted. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were drawn that show the zones of effective operation of heat pumps of different types. The results obtained allowed us to assess the efficiency of heat pump systems with different heat sources, and provide an opportunity for further research in the direction of developing recommendations for the use of heat pumps in combined heat supply systems.
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