An Express Method of Forecasting the Development of Degradation Processes in Ship’s Mechanisms Using Current Information through On-Board Instruments.




prompt evaluation of technical condition, monitoring the operational parameters, rate of change in parameters through time, on-board monitoring system of diesel engine


The article proposes a novel express method for the prompt evaluation of the current technical condition of a combat boat’s powerplant to forecast the development of degradation processes in the assemblies (mechanisms) of this powerplant during operation in order to prevent the occurrence of unforeseen failures when the boat performs her combat missions, as well as to adjust the timing of maintenance (repairs) based on the analysis of the monitored values of the determining parameters. One of the key roles in the method proposed is played by the control panels of the on-board system for monitoring the operating parameters of the boat’s powerplant. It is supposed that the developed diagnostic express method of will become an auxiliary source of current technical information that is provided by the ship’s (boat’s) crew members to the maintenance and repair department personnel for further analysis and decision-making when the boat comes back to the harbor. The article presents the results of full-scale experiments conducted to determine the most informative parameters for the prompt evaluation of the technical condition of the components of a ship’s powerplant, the values of which change through time. A detailed analysis of the parametric values generated by the on-board technical condition monitoring system is shown, taking into account the shift in the period of the prompt evaluation to the stage of heating-up of the unit (mechanism) using an improved diagnostic technique based on the empirical criterion of the rate of change in the values of the determining parameters in a fixed period of time. The obtained intermediate values of the rate of change in certain operational parameters are presented and ways of obtaining the limits of critical values are determined, approaching which increases the probability of loss of operability of the diesel engine and therefore increases the risk of the ship’s inability to perform her tasks.


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How to Cite

Boriak, K. and Ihnatenko, O. 2024. An Express Method of Forecasting the Development of Degradation Processes in Ship’s Mechanisms Using Current Information through On-Board Instruments. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Dec. 2024), 131–142. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification