Method and means for measuring the temperature of the pole windings of the electric machine rotor




measurement, temperature, electric machine, rotor pole winding, thermal radiatio


The temperature of the pole windings is one of the main informative parameters, the deviation of which may indicate the presence of a number of common defects of electrical machines. However, the implementation of high-precision means for measuring the temperature of the pole windings of the electric machine rotor is associated with a number of technical difficulties. The aim is to increase the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the pole windings of the rotor of an electric machine by developing a contactless method and means of measuring the temperature of the pole windings of the rotor in real time. The paper shows that the existing most common methods of temperature measurement have significant disadvantages that limit the possibility of their use for the implementation of means of measuring the pole windings of the rotor of an electric machine. A bispectral pyrometric method of temperature measurement is proposed, which provides simultaneous conversion into voltage of functionally temperature-dependent spectral densities of radiation for two spectrally close electromagnetic waves with subsequent finding of their ratio, which allowed to remove the most significant components of methodical measurement characteristic of classical pyrometers. The design of the bispectral pyrometric measuring system of temperature of pole windings of a rotor of rotating electric machines realized on the basis of the offered method of measurement, suitable for work in a real-time mode together with systems of control of a technical condition and diagnostics is developed.


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How to Cite

Hraniak, V. 2021. Method and means for measuring the temperature of the pole windings of the electric machine rotor. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(63) (May 2021), 78–87. DOI: