Diagnostics of mechanical engineering products on several grounds
non-destructive testing, neural network, diagnostics, frequency spectrumAbstract
The article considers methods of non-destructive testing based on various physical laws and phenomena. The possibility of creating a new topical tool for obtaining a wide range of data of mechanical engineering products such as shape, size and location in space is considered. It is proposed to use sound diagnostics using a high-frequency broadband signal to capture the frequency characteristics of the object. The purpose of the study is to develop a method of non-contact measurement of mechanical engineering products on several grounds. With the help of vibroacoustic diagnostics and the method of quantitative control, the distribution of the entire volume of products was 100 pieces. on two parties: the main and control, quantitative parameters of each unit of a product are removed. A signal from 0 to 20,000 Hz was applied by means of a frequency generator. The frequency response of each sample was recorded in the Spectrum Analiyser program. Estimation of the deviation of the product size and its frequency spectrum was performed in the NeuroPro 0.25 software. The created neural network allows is predicted in real time values of several quantitative signs irrespective of their nature. A working model for collecting statistical data for the efficient operation of the neural network is obtained. The developed technique allows detecting the configuration of products on the basis of indirect measurements through the frequency spectrum. This technique can be used to diagnose parts by geometric features, physical properties, defects. This requires an increase in input data for neural network training. With a sufficient selection of parts with different defects of the neural network on the acoustic frequency characteristics will be able to divide the parts into groups of worthy and unworthy on various grounds.
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