Automation of searching for terms in the explanatory dictionary




interpretation of the term, electronic dictionary, system of labels, mathematical model of the explanatory dictionary, dictionary of the subject area


In this paper, an approach for automating the search for interpretations of terms for a specific domain in explanatory dictionary and on the Internet is proposed. A mathematical model of the explanatory dictionary is developed. It bases on the structure of the dictionary entry. The methodology for setting up an analyzer of a dictionary entry in a dictionary that has not been used before is developed. A methodology for automated search for one-word and multiword terms in electronic dictionaries has been developed. It bases on scanning dictionary entries in search for term using Regular Expressions. The automation of searching on the Internet resource using a browser automation tool Selenium is proposed. Automated analysis of search results in according to subject area have been developed in two methods. If there is a stylistic label in the structure of a dictionary entry, which indicates the area of the polysemantic term using, the results are corrected by filtering out definitions that do not correspond to this subject area. If there is no stylistic label, the search results are filtering out in the way of screening out definitions for occurrence of search terms. The creation of Dictionary bank for storing set-up to search electronic dictionaries is proposed. The program product, which allows search organizing in added and built-in electronic dictionaries and on the Internet resource, was developed. Using the program requires involvement of an expert to correct and verify the results. Working with the program requires the involvement of an expert to correct and verify the results. The effectiveness of the approach is confirmed experimentally. Groups of English, Russian and Ukrainian terms from different subject areas were used in the experiments. Formulas to determine the time spent on searching are proposed to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed methods. The results showed a reduce of the time spent on search in the automated mode in about 5 times compared to the manual one. It is shown that adding an explanatory dictionary of a specialized subject area gives the most certain definition of terms in search process.


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Author Biography

Аlexey B. Kungurtsev, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Prof.


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How to Cite

Kungurtsev А.B., Novikova, N. and Kozhushan, M. 2020. Automation of searching for terms in the explanatory dictionary. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(62) (Nov. 2020), 91–100. DOI:



Informacion technology. Automation