Simulation model of the information technology for the technical diagnosis of the impulse heat machine




barrel energy, inverse problem of pyrostatics, diagnostics of the impulse heat machine, ballistic wave shot blast, information technology, simulation model of acoustic signals


A simulation model of the information technology for the technical diagnosis of the impulse heat machine has been developed and studied. The model incorporates such mathematical models as barrel energy; ballistic wave parameters; pressure of powder gases blasting from the barrel face behind the shell and the shot blast and determination of its attenuation rate. The information model enables to obtain parameters of the ballistic wave that accompanies an shot. A simplified mathematical model allows of determining the oblique shock inclination angle to the stream speed depending on Mach number which is represented by the two-dimensional flow wedge. The model of powder gas pressure blasting from the barrel face behind the shell is based on the energy conservation law for the compresses powder gases and makes it possible to avoid solution of the complicated modified Lagrange problem. While the shot blast propagates, at the initial stage it is possible that this blast reaches the record point earlier than the ballistic wave. Such phenomenon can be avoided by selecting a proper angle. The adopted mathematical model determines the shot blast propagation law and allows of evaluating the shot blast speed attenuation. The barrel energy model was based on the solution of the inverse problem of pyrostatics by determining a composition of the combustion gas of the shot. The applied approach provided for use of the model that describes combustion of the fuel and oxidizer mixture. The peculiarity is a necessity to know composition of all components of the arbitrary mixture. The limitation is a necessity that all components are gaseous. The considered case needs to develop a combustion model of a single-component solid substance (nitrocellulose powder) that provides for a possibility to vary the composition of its active part because of its degradation with time.


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How to Cite

Davydov, V. and Dobrynin, Y. 2020. Simulation model of the information technology for the technical diagnosis of the impulse heat machine. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(61) (Aug. 2020), 95–103. DOI:



Informacion technology. Automation