Organization of cooling pond operation for ensuring the safe operation of the energy object




pond-cooler, atomic energy, heat exchange, heat transfer, circulating water supply system


Any energetic company must have cooling and heat recovery systems from main energetic equipment, such as condensers and heat exchangers or pumps. At nuclear power plants, such a function is carried out by circulating water systems. Any cooling towers spray pools or pond-cooler. In the given scientific articles, from view for specified subject, functioning algorithm and efficiency of energetic ponds-coolers (P.C.) analysis is given. Purpose of scientific research is to emphasize a problems associated with miscalculations in design and installation calculations and disadvantages of construction, which adversely affect further actual work of the energy object. The object of studies is the cooling-pond of the Khmelnitsky NPP, which is studied with conservative approach. Under the conservative approach, we mean an approach in which for parameters and characteristics of the design such values are taken, the use of which leads to the worst performance of the system or its failure. Conservative factors: negative wind load, extreme temperatures and humidity of environment, reduction of feed, deterioration of mixing, maximum load of power facility, etc. The main purpose of works is to develop measures to improve efficiency of the P.C. The scientific and practical value is that it is proposed to introduce prognostic calculations of performance indicators into the calculations of the design of hydraulic structures of cooling reservoirs, which appear only after the construction of the object and require detailed modeling. The parameters of the optimal operation of ponds-coolers of the power complex in the hot season are analyzed, taking into account the algorithm of functioning of the hydro-engineering object as a single structure, depending on changes in external factors and changes in the heat load. Additional negative factors of influence and additional, in the conservative sense of the analysis, initial events of anthropogenic and natural character are taken into account. A deterministic analysis of the functioning of the system is carried out, with different load levels and the operation of additional systems for the cooling of circulating water.


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How to Cite

Shvets, O. 2019. Organization of cooling pond operation for ensuring the safe operation of the energy object. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1, 1(57) (May 2019), 65–72. DOI: