Analysis of fourth-grade flat machines with movable close-cycle formed by the rods and two complex links




mechanism, kinematic research, velocity vector, plan of the velocity vectors


Complex multielement mechanisms are increasingly used in the technical equipment of consumer industry. The lack of a universal method of kinematic research of these mechanisms asserts the relevance of work on the kinematic analysis of multielement mechanisms. Aim: The aim of this research is to develop an algorithm kinetic research of velocities of the points that coincide with geometric centers kinematic pairs of structure group of the 4th class and 3rd order with movable close-cycle formed by connecting rod and two complex links. Materials and Methods: The graphic-analytical method of a kinematic research will be used to achieve the goals of research. Development of an algorithm is based on provisions of the theory of mechanisms and engines about property of high classes mechanisms to change its class depending on another possible initial mechanism chosen conditionally which comes to structure of the conducted structural groups of the mechanism links and provisions of theoretical mechanics relatively to instantaneous center of speeds. Results: Velocity vectors of points of Assur group links of the 4th class and 3rd order of the composite flat mechanism are determined by a graphic-analytical method, where the initial mechanism speeds that led to decrease of a class of the mechanism and allowed to investigate it. Unlike the known erroneous statements method which is applied to research the structural groups of the 3rd class, the offered algorithm of the kinematic analysis allows to investigate mechanisms of the 4th class without need to rebuild the plan which was constructed in a uncertain scale, with the subsequent calculation of the real scale parameter of provided plotting of a graph.


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Author Biography

S.О. Koshel, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Koshel, S. and Koshel, G. 2016. Analysis of fourth-grade flat machines with movable close-cycle formed by the rods and two complex links. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(49) (Jun. 2016), 9–13. DOI: