Forming of normative requirements for matrix assessment of manufacturing machine-building products quality.




quality management system, FMEA-analysis, priority number of risk, quality scores, partial quality matrix, partial reference matrix, cylinder sleeve


Based on the requirements of current normative documents, the structure of system management of engineering production quality is substantiated in the form of four integrated systems, which characterize all stages of the product life cycle. In order to improve the functioning of this system, there is proposed a combination of matrix method of products and services quality evaluation and risk analysis through different types and consequences of potential customer’s failures (FMEA). Since the main attention is paid to the groups of design, training and production processes and, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of the proposed technique for assessing the quality of processes and procedures, the main aspect is regarded to be the formation of partial standard quality matrices. It is firstly emphasized on the specifics and conditions of creation of the examined partial matrices of quality by organizing expert meetings. During these meetings, the packages of partial standard matrices are also formed. A general approach is proposed for their execution by
choosing the appropriate values concerning the elements of partial standard matrices, based on the recommended range of values. As an example, there is considered the analysis of the main production processes related to the production of sleeve AL 0908.3012.2017 of the cylinder of internal combustion engines SMD-14 which are installed in tractors and combine harvesters. The formation of partial investigated and standard matrices for processes of casting blanks is described: input control, preparation of batches, manufacturing of sleeve blanks and manufacturing and testing of samples. The similar quality matrices are presented, which characterize mechanical processing of cylinder sleeve blanks: initial processing, final processing and output control. On the basis of multiple data presented in production, there is conducted the analysis of potential risks at the investigated stages of a life cycle of cylinder sleeves, which may lead to deterioration in quality of these sleeves and, accordingly, to failures of the specified agrarian machinery. The way to improve the normative documents on production technology in the form of new documents for conducting production meetings of leading specialists is proposed. This will ensure the improvement of the quality management system of machine-building production, the efficient operation of its production sites and the improvement of the competitiveness of products. 


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Author Biography

Volodymyr Vanko, Lviv Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Vanko, V. and Prikhodko, .O. 2018. Forming of normative requirements for matrix assessment of manufacturing machine-building products quality. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(55) (Oct. 2018), 97–104. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification