Calculation of the stability flat shape bending of the racing car frame structural elements in the circular arches form


  • Viktor F. Orobey Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Oleksandr M. Lymarenko Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Аnastasiya Yu. Bazhanova Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Vadym V. Hamray Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Andriy А. Ponomarenko Odessа Polytechnic National University



boundary value problems of stability, system of linear differential equations with variable coefficients, fundamental orthonormal functions, boundary element method, racing car, formula


To increase the strength and rigidity of the characteristics, the articulated elements of structural racing cars have a large ratio of axial moments of inertia of the cross sections. The method of solving boundary value problems of stability of the flat form of bending of racing car structural elements in the form of circular arches with sections having several axes of symmetry is obtained. In Formula Class cars, these elements are most responsible for the safety of the pilot. The system of integration of two differential equations of stability of the specified constructive elements of a car racing frame in the form of circular arches or curvilinear cores is executed in work. The numerical-analytical method of limiting elements developed by Professor V.F. Orobey was used for the research. The article presents two variants of systems of fundamental orthonormal functions for differential equations of stability of circular arches with constant coefficients obtained during research. The problem of stability of structural elements of racing cars on the geometry corresponding to circular arches is solved by a numerical method acquiring rapid development; the method has theoretically proved exact decisions. The equation obtained in the course of research is applicable to the solution of very complex problems of stability of various structures containing rods delineated along the arc of a circle. The equations can be used to solve very complex problems of stability of various structures containing rods drawn along the arc of a circle. Such structural elements are used in many designs of industrial engineering


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How to Cite

Orobey, V.F., Lymarenko, O.M., Bazhanova А.Y., Hamray, V.V. and Ponomarenko A.А. 2021. Calculation of the stability flat shape bending of the racing car frame structural elements in the circular arches form. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Nov. 2021), 5–12. DOI:

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