“Malva alcea”: advancing Ukrainian naval capabilities with react native technology.





React Native, Naval Defense Operations, Missile Targeting Calculations, Mobile Application Development, User Experience (UX), Data Security and Encryption, Redux State Management, Encrypted Storage, Operational Efficiency, Military Technology Innovation


In the rapidly evolving domain of military operations, the advent of digital technologies has ushered in unprecedented capabilities and efficiencies. “The Digital Admiral “Malva Alcea” exemplifies this transformation, showcasing a React Native-based mobile application designed to revolutionize missile targeting calculations within the Ukrainian Navy. This paper delves into the critical need for innovation in the face of traditional, manual calculation methods that are both time-consuming and prone to human error. It charts the development journey of the application, highlighting the selection of React Native for its cross-platform capabilities and ease of integration with naval data systems. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the application’s architecture, including its intuitive user interface, robust storage model, and the integration of a sophisticated mathematical model for missile targeting. Through user feedback and operational deployment, the application has demonstrated a significant reduction in calculation times and an improvement in accuracy, thus enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making in naval defense scenarios. Furthermore, the paper addresses the challenges encountered during development, such as ensuring data security and maintaining system adaptability for future expansions. It concludes by outlining future directions for the application, including potential integrations with larger situational awareness platforms and expansions to other operating systems, underscoring the pivotal role of digital innovations in advancing military capabilities and strategic operations.


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How to Cite

Maksymov, M., Kiriakidi, M. , Toshev, O. and Maksymov, O. 2024. “Malva alcea”: advancing Ukrainian naval capabilities with react native technology. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (Apr. 2024), 122–133. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.1.69.2024.13.



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