Implementation of the hybrid binarisation method for thermogram analysis.




image processing, infrared camera, binarization algorithm, digital technologies


The object of this study is thermograms obtained as a result of thermal imaging control of the machining process during the external turning operation. The implementation of thermal imaging control enables rapid visualisation of the thermal state of the external surfaces of the tool, workpiece, and chips in the cutting zone by obtaining thermograms. The article presents developments in creating a hybrid binarisation method for thermograms to enable further processing using neural networks. To realisation this project, an analysis of existing technologies and algorithms was conducted, selecting those that, in the authors' opinion, have the highest efficiency. A working prototype was developed using the Python 3.13 and the OpenCV framework for processing raster images. Due to the specific format of thermograms, the first step involved converting colour images into monochrome. The second step then applied a fixed binarisation method to highlight the hottest areas corresponding to the cutting zone (the contact area between the tool and the workpiece). The third step involves adaptive binarisation, which processes the highlighted frame area using Gaussian distribution, as a result, the necessary objects in the frame-corresponding to the cutting tool, workpiece, and occasionally hot chips-are accurately highlighted. The resulting algorithm turned out to be simple and fast, despite the execution of two sequential binarization algorithms, while maintaining an adequate level of frame conversion accuracy. This allows its further use in training neural networks on the obtained dataset.


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How to Cite

Oborsky, G., Goloborodko, V. and Perperi, L. 2024. Implementation of the hybrid binarisation method for thermogram analysis. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Dec. 2024), 123–130. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification