Theoretical researches of a car wheel with a traction compensator




physical-mathematical model, engine, wheel, wheel-elastic compensator


The rolling process of the wheel drive is accompanied by the loading of the wheel drive by the force of gravity, which leads to compression and stretching of the tire during its deformation. The article deals with the study of the mechanical system “automobile wheel-spring compensator of traction force”, using the theorem on the change of kinetic energy of this system, the general equation of dynamics, as well as the Lagrange equation of the second kind. The purpose of the study is to improve the design and technological scheme of rolling the wheel drive, converting the energy of the wheel drive into the rotational motion of the wheel-elastic traction compensator, which is an auxiliary factor to this technology. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that for the first time a technology was proposed in which the share of rotational motion energy of a mechanical system “automobile wheel-spring traction compensator” was introduced during rotation of a wheel drive, which significantly increases traction. The research methodology was to establish a mathematical relationship between the force created by the “car wheel-spring traction compensator” and the additional path that the wheel travels. The result is the developed geometry of the wheel drive in the damping cycle “automotive wheel-spring traction compensator” failure of the bearing surface. The value of the study, the results of this work will contribute to the automotive industry. A model for increasing the traction capabilities of the vehicle is proposed.


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How to Cite

Petrik, Y. and Petrov, L. 2021. Theoretical researches of a car wheel with a traction compensator. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(63) (May 2021), 27–37. DOI: