Mathematical model for determining the internal electromagnetic field in a small fish (whitebait)




stimulation of development, electromagnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, integro-differential equations, quasi-statics, re-scattering


The work is devoted to the development of a mathematical model that allows one to determine the electromagnetic fields of the microwave range inside sturgeon whitebait in order to stimulate their development. Our chosen method of calculating the mathematical model of internal electromagnetic fields in fish whitebait is planned to be used in the future for the experiment. This will increase the viability of whitebait as well as further healthy growth of sturgeon small fish and the selection of the best individuals for further artificial reproduction. A literature analysis of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on aquatic organisms and living organisms has been carried out. The effect of electromagnetic radiation on sturgeon whitebait in the first two weeks of their development is considered. In this case, the problems are solved using integro-differential equations in the case of quasi-statistics. A distinctive feature of this method is that it automatically satisfies the boundary conditions on the surface of the element. The solution of the problem of determining the electromagnetic fields inside the fish fry will be carried out taking into account its small size in comparison with the length of the falling electromagnetic radiation. In our case, as the larva grows, its size increases and the zero approximation give a rather crude result. Suggested expressions for zero, first, second, etc. approximations. Its allow take into account the growth of whitebait and the change in the ratio between their size and the incident wavelength. At the same time, it should be noted the high accuracy of this method, since already in the zero approximation its error did not exceed 15% in comparison with experimental studies of the scattering of electromagnetic fields on metal objects of ellipsoidal shape.


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How to Cite

Titova, N.V., Manicheva, N.V., Romanyuk, S., Pirotti, E. and Pirotti, A. 2020. Mathematical model for determining the internal electromagnetic field in a small fish (whitebait). Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(62) (Dec. 2020), 113–118. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering