Prediction of operation life extension of heat power equipment
prediction, operation life extension, heat power equipmentAbstract
Based on the analysis of known researches, it is revealed that the quantity and accumulation rate of cyclic thermal and dynamic loads in the transient modes of normal operation conditions, when violating normal operation conditions and in accident conditions (except for the nuclear reactor vessel) are the key factors of prediction of operation life extension for a heat power equipment (heat exchangers, pumps, armature). The method for predictive estimation of terms of operation life extension of a heat power equipment depending on stress amplitudes in transient and accident conditions, quantity and accumulation rate of cyclic loads, strength metal parameters of a heat power equipment vessels (except for a reactor vessel) is provided. The method is implemented on the example of steam generators of WWERs and using operational data of South-Ukraine-1 (by 2010). Admissible accumulation rate of cyclic loads during operation life extension by 30, 40 and 50 years is a result. The results define insufficient substantiation of nuclear power plant operation in the “maneuverable” modes with a variable reactor power. In this case, the quantity of cyclic equipment loads increases dramatically, and terms of safe operation are limited. The developed method and the obtained results of prediction of operation life extension of heat power equipment can be used for industry programs to extend the operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, as well as to improve the regulatory documents governing the conditions and requirements for acceptable safe extension of the operation life of heat power equipment of nuclear and thermal power enterprises. Further improvement of the method proposed in the work for predicting operation life extension of heat power equipment can be based on the development of methods for analyzing the reliability of heat power equipment and databases on operation disturbances.The materials of the presented work are used in the educational process for the training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the energy industry.
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