New approach development for solution of cloning results detection problem in lossy saved digital image


  • A.A. Kobozeva Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • S.M. Grigorenko Odessа Polytechnic National University



digital image, cloning detection, lossy compression, low-rank approximation


The problem of detection of the digital image falsification results performed by cloning is considered – one of the most often used program tools implemented in all modern graphic editors. Aim: The aim of this research is further development of approach to the solution of a cloning detection problem having the cloned image saved in a lossy format, offered by authors earlier. Materials and Methods: Further development of a new approach to the solution of a problem of cloning results detection in the digital image is presented. Approach is based on the accounting of small changes of cylindrical body volume with the generatric, that is parallel to the OZ axis, bounded above by the interpolating function plot for a matrix of brightness of the analyzed image, and bounded below by the XOY plane, during the compression process. Results: Adaptation of the offered approach to conditions of the cloned image compression with the arbitary coefficient of compression quality is carried out (compression ratio). The approach solvency in the conditions of the cloned image compression according to the algorithms different from the JPEG standard is shown: JPEG2000, compression with use of low-rank approximations of the image matrix (matrix blocks). The results of computational experiment are given. It is shown that the developed approach can be used to detect the results of cloning in digital video in the conditions of lossy compression after cloning process.


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How to Cite

Kobozeva, A. and Grigorenko, S. 2016. New approach development for solution of cloning results detection problem in lossy saved digital image. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(49) (Jul. 2016), 62–69. DOI:



Computer and information networks and systems. Manufacturing automation