Increasing the efficiency of using centralized heat supply systems in the reconstruction of heat networks


  • Oleksandr Klymchuk Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Yevhen Babaiev Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Mykola Serheiev Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Oleksandr Vudvud Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Inna Aksyonova Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture



heat supply systems, heat accumulators, heat consumption graphs, energy efficiency


The paper analyzes the existing state of heat supply systems of residential areas. The need to take into account modern requirements for thermal modernization of buildings of various types of purpose, as well as operating modes of internal heat supply systems with different types of heat load (heating, hot water supply, ventilation) is shown. The main types of buildings that can be located in residential areas are shown (high-rise residential buildings, dormitories, cottages, administrative buildings and offices, educational institutions, shopping centers, catering enterprises, etc.) and the peculiarities of their heat supply systems are characterized. Based on the presented methodology, the calculation of the daily and weekly schedule of heat consumption for two generalized types of buildings: residential (high-rise buildings, cottages, dormitories, etc.) and public (administrative buildings, educational institutions, offices, etc.) was carried out. Based on the calculations, a generalized heat load schedule for two types of buildings was drawn up, taking into account the mutual influence on the maximum power of the heat source. Based on the obtained results, calculations were made and daily schedules of generalized heat consumption by buildings of various types were made, taking into account modern energy efficiency requirements (two-period mode of heating and thermal modernization). The expediency of using heat accumulators in thermal points for smoothing the peaks of the total load and reducing the maximum power of the heat source is shown. A probable decrease in the maximum power of heat supply systems is shown, and recommendations are given regarding the calculations of heat supply systems during their reconstruction and modernization.


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How to Cite

Klymchuk, O., Babaiev, Y., Serheiev, M., Vudvud, O. and Aksyonova, I. 2022. Increasing the efficiency of using centralized heat supply systems in the reconstruction of heat networks. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2 (66) (Oct. 2022), 44–51. DOI: