The research of levels of description of modern critical application systems




critical application system, system description level, interdependent systems, system potential


At the current stage of economic and technical development, one of the most important problems is maintaining the reliability and fault tolerance of critical application systems used in the management of nuclear power plants, air, rail and road transport, technological units in metallurgy, the oil and gas industry, etc. The general trend of the development of critical application systems is characterized by the following factors: an increase in the degree of complexity of control objects, an expansion of the composition and level of complexity of solved functional tasks, a reduction in decision-making time, an increase in the cost of errors and the probability of large-scale emergency situations. The main reasons for the escalation of dangerous situations are failures in critical application systems. The publication examines the concept of a critical application system, examines the question of levels of description of critical application systems, examines the issue of interdependent subsystems based on the concept of potential and information technologies supporting the reliability and fault tolerance of critical application systems. For such systems (power supply and energy supply systems, water supply and drainage, etc.), an urgent problem is to ensure the objectivity, reliability and adequacy of forecasting and prevention of dangerous and possible cascading effects that can lead to man-made accidents and catastrophes. This can significantly affect the functioning, stability and survivability of systems of critical application, the ecological and technogenic safety of the surrounding territories, and the safety of life of the population of Ukraine. In the event of damage to the system of critical application, which can be sudden and intense, it will lead to an emergency situation of a man-made nature.


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How to Cite

Babych, Y., Babych, M., Pavlishko, A. and Mamedova, A. 2022. The research of levels of description of modern critical application systems. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2 (66) (Dec. 2022), 110–115. DOI:



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