Efficiency of an autonomous heating system in intermittent mode with a heat accumulator.





intermittent heating mode, mathematical modeling, heat accumulation, morning heating of the room, load schedule filling factor, optimization of load modes


The effectiveness of the autonomous heating system in intermittent mode with a heat accumulator of the building of the educational building of the Odessa National Polytechnic University was studied. The main requirements for solving the task of optimizing the room heating process are formulated. Ways to increase the efficiency of morning room heating are considered. On the basis of the developed mathematical model of the dynamics of thermal processes of the elements of the autonomous heating system, the regimes of the thermal load of the heating system when the temperature of the outside air changes are investigated. The main directions for improving the heat supply of buildings in the mode of intermittent-frequent heating are proposed and their practical application in modeling and research of the system is taken into account. The results of optimizing the daily load schedules of the main elements of the autonomous heating system under variable external conditions are presented. The optimal daily schedules of the dynamics of indoor air temperature and network water temperature of the heating system are given. The dependence of the filling factor of the load schedule of the heating system and the heat generator on the outside air temperature in the range from 5 to –15 °С was studied. The effect of daily heat accumulation on the reduction of the nominal thermal power of the heat generator was studied. Heat savings were evaluated based on the results of optimization of load modes of the proposed system in the intermittent heating mode compared to the 24-hour heating mode, which amounted to 25.2%, respectively. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that daily heat accumulation for heating systems operating in intermittent mode is an effective measure for increasing the efficiency of morning room heating, achieving the maximum possible thermal power of the heating system during heating and reducing its duration to 1 hour.


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Author Biography

Hennadii Balasanian, Odesа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Balasanian, H. and Semenii, A. 2024. Efficiency of an autonomous heating system in intermittent mode with a heat accumulator. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (Apr. 2024), 57–62. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.1.69.2024.07.