Research of hybrid energy supply system with renewable energy sources.


  • Hennadii Balasanian Odessa Polytechnic National University
  • Andrii Semenyii Odessa Polytechnic National University
  • Artem Ostapenko Odessa Polytechnic National University



hybrid energy supply system, renewable energy sources, wind power plant, solar photovoltaic battery, mathematical modelling, load optimization


The experimental database of climatic parameters from the meteorological station of the Odesa Polytechnic National University was processed for their further use to assess the energy potential of solar and wind energy in the Odessa region. The Weibull distribution parameters were found - the shape parameter and the scale parameter, which characterizes the repeatability of wind speed. The probability of wind speed repeatability was calculated based on the found Weibull distribution parameters, which provided more objective results for determining the power of a wind turbine compared to using the average wind speed. A methodology has been developed for determining the optimal parameters and configuration of an autonomous hybrid energy supply system with renewable energy sources for an individual household based on the criterion of minimum capital investments in generating capacity. It has been investigated that seasonal differences in the energy potential of the sun and wind contribute to the combination of these renewable energy sources into a single hybrid system and create additional advantages for their operation. The dependence of the optimal configuration and parameters of the hybrid system on the energy potential of the wind in the region has been obtained. The distributions of electricity production between wind turbines and solar panels by months of the year at a given average annual wind speed, taking into account the change in wind energy potential by months, are presented. It is determined that the variable nature of solar and wind resources can be fully compensated by optimal integration of two different sources into a single energy system. It was found that under the condition of autonomous operation of the hybrid system, the excess energy potential is not always used, because it is technically difficult to ensure seasonal accumulation of electricity. The utilization factor of the installed capacity of the hybrid system was 0.58. The distributions of electricity production between wind turbines and solar panels by months of the year at a given average annual wind speed, taking into account the change in wind energy potential by months, are presented. It is determined that the variable nature of solar and wind resources can be fully compensated by optimal integration of two different sources into a single energy system.


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How to Cite

Balasanian, H., Semenyii, A. and Ostapenko, A. 2024. Research of hybrid energy supply system with renewable energy sources. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Nov. 2024), 31–38. DOI: