Improving the reliability of heat supply systems in the conditions of power outage.




cogeneration unit, heat pumps, centralized heat supply systems


The paper analyzes the current state of municipal heat power engineering with centralized heat supply systems in emergency power outages. An overview of existing approaches to solving the issue of reliable provision of electricity by centralized heat sources is carried out. The urgency of complex solution of problems of reliability of energy supply of communal services objects both heat and electricity is given. At the same time, it is proposed to minimize the location of heat and electricity generators, to coordinate the modes of consumption of different types of energy resources. One of the directions of solving the questions proposed the use of cogeneration plants that are able to provide utilities not only heat, but also electricity. The priority for the location of cogeneration plants is offered by heating boiler houses, which organized a cell release of combustion products, as well as a system of distribution of heat carriers. To solve these issues, a scheme for integrating the cogeneration plant into a centralized heat supply system based on the district heating boiler house and the use of heat pumps was developed. The comparative analysis of energy efficiency of the proposed solutions is carried out by the value of the coefficient of fuel heat use. According to the task, an analysis of the use of cogeneration installations in energy supply systems of communal services complexes was carried out. It is proposed to use heat pumps to improve the efficiency of the system of joint heat and electricity production. For the selected modes of operation of the proposed system, an analysis of the efficiency of combined heat and electricity production was carried out. It is shown that application in the heat pump scheme is able to provide an increase in the share of additional heat sources to 50% in the boiler room balance, and, accordingly, to increase the energy efficiency index by 1.3 times.


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How to Cite

Klymchuk, O. and Pozdniakova, G. 2024. Improving the reliability of heat supply systems in the conditions of power outage. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(70) (Dec. 2024), 48–54. DOI:

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