Application of gas chromatography methods for analysis of exhaled air by patients with respiratory diseases


  • Valentyn M. Tikhenko Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Nina А. Matsegora Odessa National Medical University
  • Sergiy V. Zaitsev Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Andrey S. Zaitsev
  • Sofiia О. Kaminska



respiratory organs, exhaled air, biological markers, chromatography


Improvement of gas chromatography methods for analyzing the exhaled air of patients when diagnosing the presence and development of pathologies of their respiratory organs is an urgent task. The aim of this work is to analyze proven and promising methods for monitoring the content of vaporous and (or) gaseous biological markers in the exhaled air of patients with respiratory pathologies, as well as the choice of optimal measurement techniques using gas chromatography methods. The analysis of scientific researches and publications in the field of modern methods of control of the content of vapor and (or) gaseous biological markers in the exhaled air of patients is made. The technical requirements are determined and the structural scheme of the multichannel gas chromatograph for measuring the content of vapor and (or) gaseous biological markers in the air exhaled by patients is improved. The main metrological characteristics of the results of measurements of concentrations of vapor and / or gaseous biological markers in air using gas chromatography methods are determined. The main technical requirements for a multichannel gas chromatograph for determining the content of vaporous and (or) gaseous biological markers in exhaled air have been determined. It has been determined that the boundaries of the total relative error of the measurement results at a confidence level of P = 0.95 depend on the ranges of the concentrations of biological markers in the exhaled air of patients. The obtained results make it possible to simplify the procedures for determining the content of biological markers by gas chromatography in the exhaled air, as well as non-invasively to diagnose the presence and development of pathologies of the patients' respiratory organs


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How to Cite

Tikhenko, V.M., Matsegora N.А., Zaitsev, S.V., Zaitsev, A.S. and Kaminska S.О. 2021. Application of gas chromatography methods for analysis of exhaled air by patients with respiratory diseases. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Nov. 2021), 52–60. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering