Prevention of hydrodynamic instability conditions in safety systems with pumps of nuclear power plants


  • V. Kondratyk PhD, Assoc. Prof.,National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • D. Fedorov National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Volodymyr Skalozubov Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Yuriy Komarov Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • S. Kosenko Odessа Polytechnic National University



The study of hydrodynamic instability in the safety systems of nuclear power plants is relevant. In the deterministic analysis of the safety of nuclear power plants based on accident simulation, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of hydrodynamic instability in the operational and transient modes of safety systems. The consequences of the emergence of hydrodynamic instability in safety systems can be following: a significant deterioration of the heat and mass exchange conditions in the reactor and steam generators during the heating process, an increased power of thermo-hydro-shock on the equipment of the nuclear installation and other negative effects. The negative consequences of the hydrodynamic instability in the safety systems of nuclear power plants can be a significant deterioration in the conditions of heat-mass exchange and the thermal water hammers with increased power. The main reasons for the hydrodynamic instability in safety systems are inertial lag in the response of control valves and head-flow characteristic of pumps to “fast” changes in hydrodynamic parameters in nuclear power plant systems. The purpose of this work is to determine methods for minimizing the impact of the causes of hydrodynamic instability in security systems. The methods of substantiating effective structural and technical parameters of damping devices to prevent conditions of hydrodynamic instability in stationary working and transient modes of safety systems with pumps are given. A method for substantiating effective design and technical parameters of damping devices to prevent conditions of hydrodynamic instability in transient modes of starting pumps of safety systems is presented. Stability conditions in stationary operating modes of the initial steam-gas volume of damping devices are determined. The minimum permissible dimensions of damping devices that meet the conditions of hydrodynamic stability in the transient modes of SB pumps are determined.


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How to Cite

Kondratyk, V., Fedorov, D., Skalozubov, V., Komarov, Y. and Kosenko, S. 2022. Prevention of hydrodynamic instability conditions in safety systems with pumps of nuclear power plants. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(65) (Mar. 2022), 70–75. DOI:

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