The coefficient of efficiency of a complex hydraulic circuit




complex hydraulic circuit, useful power, shaft power, resistance of the circuit, coefficient of the energy perfected circuit


The article discusses one of the possible methods for assessing of energy efficiency in a complex hydraulic network. It is shown that to characterize the energy excellence of a complex hydraulic network, only the efficiency of the pumping unit cannot be used, since it does not take into account all possible hydraulic losses and the mutual influence of the elements of the “pump pipeline” system. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the coefficient of energy perfection of the network, which is the ratio of the power of the fluid flow at the outlet of the hydraulic network to the power on the pump shaft. This indicator takes into account losses both in the elements of the pumping unit and in the pipeline system and, therefore, gives an objective and comprehensive assessment of the energy efficiency of this system as a whole. By using the power balance of the system elements, a formula for calculating this indicator for an extensive hydraulic network consisting of sequential and parallel sections is derived. The analysis of the obtained formula, which showed that the advantage of the proposed formula is to take into account the hidden mutual dependence between the quantities that determine the coefficient of energy perfection. In particular, the formula takes into account the influence of the resistance of a complex hydraulic network on the operating parameters of the pump (pressure and flow) and its efficiency. It is shown that in some cases, the increase in the hydraulic resistance of the network, and hence the power loss in the system, is compensated by the increase in pressure developed by the pump and its efficiency. Thus, it is proved that the negative impact in the pipeline system can thus affect the performance of the pumping unit, that the coefficient of energy perfection of the network will not only not decrease, but also increase. The formula allows you to compare the energy excellence of complex hydraulic networks with various parameters and different pumping units and allows you to optimize the system with total energy consumption.


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Author Biography

Anzhelika Karamushko, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Butenko, O., Karamushko, A. and Podufala, T. 2019. The coefficient of efficiency of a complex hydraulic circuit. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(59) (Dec. 2019), 52–58. DOI: