Substantiation of strategies for the management of blackout accident at nuclear power plants with wwer-type reactors




accident management strategy, nuclear power plant, blackout


A conservative thermohydrodynamic model of an accident at a nuclear power plant with WWER has been developed for a design and modernized blackout accident management strategy. The design blackout accident management strategy is based on passive safety systems (that do not require power supply): a pressurizer system, a reactor level control system, and a secondary steam relief system. The modernized blackout accident management strategy is based on the additional use of promising passive safety systems: a steam generator driven auxiliary feed pump and an afterheat removal passive system using natural circulation through a steam generator. Two strategies of blackout accident management are modelled: the first one is design blackout accident management strategy implemented by passive safety systems of pressurizer and the secondary steam relief system, and the second is modernized blackout accident management strategy that implemented by passive safety systems of pressurizer, by steam relief system, steam generator driven auxiliary feed pump and afterheat removal passive system through a steam generator. Based on the developed conservative thermohydrodynamic model, a calculation analysis has found that the design blackout accident management strategy does not ensure the successful safety functions to remove residual heat from the reactor core and to maintain the required level of feed water in steam generators. The design blackout accident management strategy violates safety conditions for the maximum temperature of the fuel claddings and the maximum level of feed water in the steam generator. A modernized blackout accident management strategy ensures the successful safety functions and conditions. The results of blackout accident modelling presented in this work can be used to improve accident management strategies in accident management operational documentation and symptom-informed accident regulations for nuclear power plants with WWERs.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Skalozubov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.,

Vladislav Spinov, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Skalozubov, V., Spinov, V., Spinov, D., Gablaya, T., Kochneva, V. and Komarov, Y. 2019. Substantiation of strategies for the management of blackout accident at nuclear power plants with wwer-type reactors. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(59) (Nov. 2019), 44–51. DOI:

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