Development of a model of processes for the ther-mal processing of organic matters of variable composition


  • Olexander Brunetkin Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Maksym Maksymov Odessа Polytechnic National University



organic raw materials, thermal conversion, composition determination


The aim is development of a single model of various processes for the thermal processing of organic substances. The possibility of determining the composition of substances in the process of their processing in real time is taken into account. It is possible to take into account the different phase state of the feedstock. The model is based on the method of calculating the processes of fuel combustion in liquid rocket engines. In the earlier studies, a comparison was made of the results of calculations based on it with the available data for the case of methane and ethyl alcohol burning in air. The proposed model is distinguished by the possibility of taking into account the composition of the reaction products in the condensed phase in the form of a carbonaceous residue. Its presence accompanies the pyrolysis process. The composition of the products of the process of slow pyrolysis of pine wood is calculated. The results are compared with the available data. To determine the unknown composition of the feedstock, the previously developed model for the case of gaseous presentation is used. As a result, the gross formula of the gaseous fuel is determined. The peculiarity of the process under consideration is the need to ensure isoenthalpy of the combustion process. Such a condition can be provided in a rocket type combustion chamber with regenerative cooling. It is noted that the results obtained in this way can be extended to the case of various types of combustible substances in a condensed state. The developed model of thermal conversion and, on its basis, a method for determining the unknown composition of heterophasic organic combustible substances can be used in the processing of various alternative types of combustible, industrial, and household waste. The real-time determination of their variable composition may allow the organization of a controlled process of burning them. As a result of the work: a single model is selected and adapted to solve the problems of combustion, gasification and slow pyrolysis with a known composition of the initial hydrocarbon substances; results of calculations based on it are given; A method for determining the real-time composition of the hydrocarbon component of combustible substances in various states of aggregation is proposed.


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How to Cite

Brunetkin, O. and Maksymov, M. 2019. Development of a model of processes for the ther-mal processing of organic matters of variable composition. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(58) (Sep. 2019), 21–32. DOI: