Acoustic materials database processing in the cad system by the hopcroft-carp algorithm for comparison of bipartite graphs
acoustic materials, bipartite graph, Hopcroft-Carp algorithm, oriented graph tree, DFS and BFS graph traversal algorithmsAbstract
The development of industry has revealed the need for a wide variety of production facilities with special requirements for their acoustic characteristics. As a result, the interior decoration of any production room requires the use of acoustic finishing materials, which ultimately determine the acoustics of the entire production complex. However, at the stage of designing industrial premises, especially when using specialized software, a number of difficulties arise with the justified choice of acoustic finishing materials for this. Taking into account the fact that currently existing programs allow only approximately calculate the acoustics of rooms and not one of them gives an unequivocal answer to the question, the obtained model of the room meets the requirements of the legislation and the customer, therefore there is a need to develop new software that solves this problem. When developing new software of this type, the problem of storing and efficiently processing reference information organized in the form of a database always arises. The paper proposes modeling the desired database in the form of a mathematical apparatus, which is a graph. The solution of this problem was carried out on modeling a database of acoustic materials with bipartite graphs. Based on this, information processing of such a database, in order to find the necessary information in the least time, was carried out using one of the algorithms for comparing bipartite graphs. The Hopcroft-Karp algorithm is used as an algorithm. Based on an example, it was found that the adopted algorithm does not always give the right solution, since it eliminates edges with common end points in the graph model of the database model and creates random edges. Based on the results of the study, a database of acoustic materials in the AUTOCAD system in the AUTOLISP language is proposed and implemented, which corresponds to a graphical model in the form of a tree of oriented graphs, the processing of which allows you to use DFS and BFS scanning algorithms and get the right solution with the least amount of time.
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