The coefficient of efficiency of hydraulic circuits




hydraulic circuit, useful power, shaft power, resistance of the circuit, coefficient of the energy perfected circuit


Moving liquids by industrial and domestic hydraulic circuits annually requires tens of billions of kilowatts of electricity per hour. Today there is not any universal indicator that would characterize generalized conversion efficiency of electrical energy into hydraulic and efficiency of using of hydraulic energy. This greatly complicates the optimization of the hydraulic circuit parameters on energy criterion in its design or testing calculation. Aim: The aim is to assess the losses in the discharge equipment of hydraulic circuits, as well as in pipeline through the introduction of common indicator of the effectiveness of transporting liquid. Materials and Methods: We show that specifications for energy efficiency of hydraulic circuit it is not enough the pumping efficiency of the installation, or calculate the efficiency of individual elements of the hydraulic circuits. To achieve the goal asked to enter the energetic coefficient of energy perfected circuit, which is the ratio of output flow power from the hydraulic circuit to the flow power on the pump shaft. Results: The proposed coefficient takes into account the loss of pressure in the pump and in the pipeline and provides an objective assessment of the energy efficiency of the circuit; in addition, it allows you to compare the energy perfection of hydraulic systems with different parameters and different pumps. The proposed coefficient should be used in the design of hydraulic circuits and during the checking calculation.


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Author Biography

O.G. Butenko, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.


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How to Cite

Butenko, O. 2017. The coefficient of efficiency of hydraulic circuits. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(51) (Mar. 2017), 48–51. DOI: