Improving methods for monitoring bearing units of electric motors in reverse water supply systems of nuclear power plants




turbine oil, pumping unit, cooling tower, dissolved components, gas chromatography


Ensuring the reliability and safety of nuclear power plants is an urgent task for the Ukrainian energy industry. Permanent circulation of mineral turbine oil is necessary for lubrication of friction surfaces in bearing units of electric motors of water pumping units in cooling systems. Monitoring its condition can indicate the presence of equipment defects under the influence of various factors. Increasing the reliability of oil-filled equipment of nuclear power plants can be achieved by determining the content of dissolved gases in turbine oils; additives “Ionol”; mechanical impurities with the determination of their type. The content of dissolved gases and additives “Ionol” in turbine oils was determined by gas chromatography methods. For turbine oil and a mixture of “water in turbine oil” the physico-chemical and thermophysical properties were investigated – density; flash point; kinematic viscosity; acid number; the content of mechanical impurities, water, additives “Ionol”. The dependences of the concentrations of dissolved gases in turbine oil and the “water in turbine oil” mixture on temperature, as well as the nature of the effect of acoustic cavitation on the kinematic viscosity of the oil and the generation of dissolved gases, have been studied. The aim of the work is to increase the reliability of power equipment of nuclear power plants by improving the control of the physicochemical and thermophysical properties of mineral turbine oil of the brand “Tp-30” of the circulation system for supplying bearing oils with electric motor units of water pumping units of reverse water supply of nuclear power plants.


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How to Cite

Zaitsev, S.V. and Тikhenko V. 2023. Improving methods for monitoring bearing units of electric motors in reverse water supply systems of nuclear power plants. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(67) (Mar. 2023), 96–105. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification