Assessment of cleaning efficiency of the polydisperse gas flow in double-flow dedusting system




separation factor, double-flow dedusting system, breakthrough factor


One of priority problems of nature protection activity at the industrial enterprises is upgrading the gas emissions cleaning of polydispersed dust. To solve the problem of catching of small fraction dust the double-flow dedusting system has been offered. Aim: The aim of the work is to determine the dependency type of the cleaning efficiency of polydisperse gas flow on gas separation factor double-flow dedusting system. Materials and methods: The analysis of influence of gas separation factor in the dividing device of double-flow dedusting system on its efficiency is carried out. By drawing up the mass balance of system on gas and on the mass of dust the general dependence for breakthrough of the main catcher, characterizing overall effectiveness of system, is received. Results: It is shown that value of breakthrough factor of the main catcher depends on dimensionless efficiency factors of the equipment. The received general dependence of breakthrough factor on separation factor allows to define the optimum value of separation factor for any combined dedusting system.


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Author Biographies

O.G. Butenko, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc.Prof.

S.Yu. Smyk, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Butenko, O. and Smyk, S. 2016. Assessment of cleaning efficiency of the polydisperse gas flow in double-flow dedusting system. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(48) (Mar. 2016), 49–53. DOI: