Efficiency of use of a hybrid solar collector.





hybrid solar collector, solar system with thermal pump, thermal mode


Numerical researches of a hybrid solar collector (HSC) atelectric and thermal energy generation are conducted. Mathematical model allows to analyse operating parameters of a HSC – heating temperature and productivity depending on external conditions and influence of a thermal mode on indicators of HSC work. The purpose of the study – identification of rational thermal operating modes of a hybrid solar collector taking into account effective electrical and heating capacity. The research method consisted in creation and analysis of complex mathematical model of a hybrid solar collector under real conditions of a dynamic solar and climatic situation. It is shown that the greatest profitability possesses the variant with absorber temperature of 20 °С and a thermal pump. Slightly lower is the profit of using combined thermal modes (20/35) °С, which from the technical point of view is the most efficient one. The 50 ºС alternative, in which the thermal pump is not used, loses to other designs with heat removal. The lowest profitability is in the “without absorber cooling” alternative. Necessity of maintenance of absorber temperature at the level of 20…35 °С is shown, using the transformer of heat on conditions of effective operation at stable satisfaction of needs in electric and thermal energy with positive technical and economic effect. It is offered to operate in a differentiated thermal operating mode of HSC at different levels in the summer (35 °С) and winter (20 °С) time. The mathematical model for the description of a thermal operating mode of a hybrid solar collector in the conditions of forced cooling is proposed. Well-founded recommendations about conducting an operating mode of the hybrid solar collector interfaced to the thermal pump at year round operation are made.


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How to Cite

Wysochin, V. and Verstak, M. 2018. Efficiency of use of a hybrid solar collector. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(55) (Sep. 2018), 66–71. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.55.2018.07.