The conditions of twenty-four—hour charging of the group ground accumulator of solar plant system




ground heat exchanger, seasonal group heat accumulator, solar plant system


The numerical investigations of unsteady heat transfer in the seasonal heat accumulator of a solar plant system with the 9 ground heat exchangers in process of periodic, with day cycle, charging at the summer period are carried out. Heat exchanger is a vertical sonde with the coaxial tubs. The mathematical model of conjugate operation of the solar plant system and the ground heat exchangers encloses differential equations, that of the conditions of incoming and converting the solar energy in the heliocollectors describe, and heat exchange in the ground heat exchangers and in the array of ground too. The necessity to take account of reciprocal effect of dimensions of the heliocollectors and the ground heat exchanger it is shown, and possibility of increase of effectiveness of the accumulator, which have operate with inside circulation heatcarrier by night too. The functioning recommendations of the heat exchangers of accumulator are introduced.


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Author Biographies

Victor Wysochin, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Ye. I. Kozhukhar, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Wysochin, V. and Kozhukhar, Y.I. 2015. The conditions of twenty-four—hour charging of the group ground accumulator of solar plant system. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(46) (May 2015), 92–96. DOI:

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