Ensuring increased reliability and efficiency of heat supply systems due to the use of microturbines in conditions of unstable power supply
autonomous power plants, microturbine, power supply systems, steam boilerAbstract
Research on the effectiveness of using microturbines for reliable energy supply during the operation of boilers, heat pumps and other small and non-traditional energy systems. In view of the total global economy of fuel and energy resources, the difficult energy situation in Ukraine, the issues of energy saving and reliable operation of heat supply systems, including autonomous ones, come first. The development and implementation of new technologies in the field of small energy are becoming more and more relevant. The compact size of energy generators, and, accordingly, their mobility, arouse interest in research, development and application in small energy of modern autonomous power generation installations. Thermal power plants with different types of aggregates can be used as autonomous units, each of which can be rational for one or another specific field of application and type of fuel. Today, there are number of problems that make it possible to organize a reliable energy supply. Among them: energy deficit in the regions, lack of high-quality energy infrastructure, interruptions in energy supply, low energy efficiency of generation, high wear and tear of thermal power plant equipment and network infrastructure, lack of centralized heat supply in remote areas, high energy intensity of production. Now for consumers there are a number of obstacles in the reliable operation of the energy supply system, so the use of microturbines as an energy source for objects of various purposes will allow to effectively solving this problem. The use of counter-pressure steam microturbines in boiler rooms with steam boilers is the easiest way to utilize the energy of the steam flow to generate electricity and further utilize the steam heat in the boiler. The transfer of existing boiler houses to mini-CHP will make these enterprises highly profitable. In the calculations, the boilers of the DKVR series, which are predominant today in boiler rooms, were taken as the basic boilers. The calculation of the microturbine impeller is based on the Euler equation for plane-parallel flow. After analyzing the studies of the microturbine, it is possible to conclude about the expediency of its use to increase the efficiency and reliability of the operation of autonomous power plants.
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