Modeling the effect of stochastic defects formed in products during machining on the loss of their functional dependencies




surface treatment, failure probability, fracture model, distribution, material defect, crack parameters, heat flux, surface layer, stress intensity


The article investigates the influence of hereditary defects formed in the surface layer of products from metals of heterogeneous structure on the quality of surfaces treated with finishing methods. The research is based on an integrated approach based on the results of the deterministic theory of defect development and methods of probability theory. The treated layer of the product is considered as a medium weakened by random defects that do not interact with each other, namely: structural changes, cracks, inclusions, the parameters of which are random variables with known laws of their probability distribution. The causes of structural changes, crack formation on the treated surface product depending on different types of probability distribution of dimensions are investigated: length, depth of defects, and their orientation. From these positions, technological possibilities of their elimination by definition of branch of combinations of the technological parameters providing necessary quality of the processed surfaces are considered. Modeling of thermomechanical processes in the treated surface containing hereditary defects is carried out based on thermoelastic equations with discontinuous boundary conditions in the places of their accumulation. The research used the apparatus of boundary value problems of mathematical physics equations, the method of singular integral equations for solving problems of fracture mechanics, Fourier-Laplace integral transformations for obtaining exact solutions, the method of constructing discontinuous functions. The dependences determining the intensity of stresses in the vertices of hereditary defects are obtained. A method for predicting the nature of crack formation depending on the probability distribution of defects, the values of heat flux entering the surface layer of the processed product has been developed. It is established that the increase in the homogeneity of the material leads to an increase in the value of heat flux, which corresponds to a fixed probability of failure.


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How to Cite

Usov А., Kunitsyn, M., KLYMENKO, D. and DAVYDIUK, V. 2022. Modeling the effect of stochastic defects formed in products during machining on the loss of their functional dependencies. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(65) (Mar. 2022), 16–29. DOI: