Determining the quantitative composition of an unknown gaseous fuel and combustion products from the measured process parameters in the fuel combustion process




unconventional/alternative fuel, fuel flexibility, combustion products, mathematical model, equations of chemical thermodynamics


There exists a wide range and a considerable potential of alternative (non-certified) gas fuel types. Uncertainty and flexibility of non-conventional fuels’ composition seriously limits the possible exploitation of these energy sources. Therefore developed are both a mathematical model based on the chemical thermodynamics equations, allowing to calculate the composition of the combustion products in terms of suboptimal ratio of fuel — oxidizer, and a computational method for determining the composition of fuel in the combustion process, thus allowing to determine the optimal parameters of combustion. The limitations of the approach are being discussed. Also suggested is the solution of the inverse problem, namely, the determination of the composition and caloric content (enthalpy) of combustion products on the basis of combustion products and their measured volume known qualitative composition flow and temperature (measured process parameters). An assessment of the proposed model being effected, its limitations have been found.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Brunetkin, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Assoc. Prof.

A.V. Bondarenko, Odes. Nat. Maritime Acad.

Engineer, PhD student


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How to Cite

Brunetkin, O., Bondarenko, A. and Lysyuk, A. 2014. Determining the quantitative composition of an unknown gaseous fuel and combustion products from the measured process parameters in the fuel combustion process. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(43) (May 2014), 127–136. DOI: