Means for increasing the dynamic quality of finishing and boring machines.




spindle head, bearing support, vibration decrement, rigidity, static and harmonic influence coefficients, tension forces


The article presents the design features of a number of spindle heads that ensure high accuracy of precision finishing and boring
machines. The article describes the characteristics of the heads, spindle support devices, which increase the overall rigidity and damping of the
spindle-bearing system. The basic designs of spindle heads, the relationships between design parameters are presented, and an analysis of their
designs is also performed. Based on the processing of oscillograms of damped oscillations, the dependence of the logarithmic decrement of
oscillations on their level was studied. Based on an experimental study of the characteristics of finishing and boring heads, the optimal values of
the axial preload of the bearings were determined. It has been established that with increasing tension force, the oscillation decrement changes
non-monotonically and has a maximum. This dependence is determined by the occurrence of linear resistance and dry friction forces in the
dynamic system of the spindle assembly. Optimal tension values ensure maximum accuracy of the spindle assembly, and the temperature
increase does not exceed 4…6°. We have found that creating a cavity at the free end of the console improves the dynamic quality of spindle
assemblies with console tools. At the same time, the coefficients of dynamic disturbances in the spindle-boring bar system decrease. The work
determines the influence of the cavity length on the coefficient of transfer of compensation from the front support to the cutter


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How to Cite

Balaniuk, A., Orgiyan, A., Oborskyi, G., Kolesnik, V. and Matzey, R. 2024. Means for increasing the dynamic quality of finishing and boring machines. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (Jul. 2024), 5–15. DOI:

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