Simulation of intermittent heating mode of the educational building




heat supply system, intermittent heating, building operation mode, morning flood


The algorithm of operation of the heat supply system in the mode of intermittent heating which considers features of operation of the building is offered. The purpose of the work is to assess the effectiveness of the use of intermittent heating for the educational building of the thermal laboratory of the Odessa Polytechnic State University. Currently, a project is being implemented to disconnect heat supply from the University boiler room and transfer the building of the University's heating laboratory to autonomous heat supply based on a condensing wall-mounted gas boiler. The combined heating system with the use of different heating devices (radiators, fan coils, climate panel, “underfloor heating” system) allows to study the dynamics of heating the laboratory premises with different thermal insulation and shielding of external and internal walls. The factors of reduction of energy consumption in the mode of program heat supply are analyzed in the work. Modeling of modes of operation of the heat generator of the heat supply system operating in the mode of intermittent heating is executed. The mathematical model of dynamics of heating of air in rooms taking into account features of operating modes and various types of heating devices as a part of system of heat supply is offered. For different climatic conditions the mathematical modeling of operating modes of the heating system is carried out and indicators of efficiency of work of system are received. The potential of energy saving for administrative, educational, office buildings depending on the heat-accumulating properties of external and internal wall structures has been studied. The expediency of using the Pontryagin maximum principle to increase the efficiency of morning flooding of buildings with different ones has been confirmed. accumulation time constants


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Author Biography

Hennadii Balasanian, Odesа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Balasanian, H., Klymchuk, O., Semenii A.А., Babaev, E. and Sachenko, L.V. 2021. Simulation of intermittent heating mode of the educational building. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Nov. 2021), 22–27. DOI:

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