Analysis of the reversing mechanism of light industry equipment




reverse motion mechanism, kinematic research, angular acceleration, dynamic forces


To create reliable and highly efficient, en- ergy-saving machines for light industry, it is necessary to study the dynamic processes of movement of the links of the mechanisms of which they are composed. Especially such studies should be given attention for machines, the mechanisms of which have a cyclic nature of action. During the execution of a technological operation in light industry machines with a periodic cyclic movement of the working bodies, an uneven movement of the main shaft occurs. This is caused by the movement of the links of the mechanism with certain accelerations and taking into account the periodic nature of the action of technological loads, which vary in magnitude and direction. The uneven nature of the movement leads to the appearance of additional loads in the kinematic pairs of mechanisms, mechanical vibrations in the mechanical trans- mission systems of motion, leads to the appearance of vibrations and violations in the positioning of the working bodies, affects the techno- logical process of the equipment. Uniform and stable tension of the threads is the key to a high-quality performance of the loop formation process in knitwear. Additional dynamic loads affect the technological tension of textile threads during equipment operation. These loads are caused by the accelerated movement of the links of the mechanism, which is especially important for technological equipment with the pres- ence of a reverse working stroke of its links. In such mechanisms, the values of the angular acceleration of the links and the linear accelera- tion of their individual points can acquire critically permissible values. It is possible to ensure the movement of the working bodies of the machine according to the law for which the tension of the threads will be optimally necessary. To do this, you need to choose the right type of mechanism that sets them in motion. The aim of the work is to conduct a structural-kinematic research of the mechanism of the reversible movement of the needle drum of a knitting machine, which will justify the selection of the required type of mechanism for such equipment. The confirmation of the improvement of the conditions for the formation of loops when knitting on a knitting machine with a reversible needle drum movement, made on the basis of a rocker mechanism, has been obtained.


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How to Cite

Koshel, S. and Koshel, A. 2021. Analysis of the reversing mechanism of light industry equipment. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(63) (Apr. 2021), 38–43. DOI: