Human body cad modeling in the form of a variable density object




center of gravity, human body, variable density, three-dimensional, segmentation method


High rates of technological progress contribute to the development and improvement of all spheres of human activity, including biomechanical research. The development of new prostheses, orthoses and exoskeletons place increased demands on the determination of the mass-inertial characteristics of the human body. The paper analyzes the existing experimental-analytical and analytical methods for determining the center of gravity of the human body, which are based on the segmentation method. It is shown that the existing analytical methods do not provide complete information about the individual characteristics of the modeled object, when it is implemented using CAD tools, but give only generalized results without taking into account the physical development, health status and other individual characteristics. An improvement of the analysis technique is proposed, which allows increasing the accuracy of determining the mass-inertial characteristics of the human body (including the center of gravity) by its individual anthropometric parameters on the basis of a 14-segment biomechanical model. The article presents a block-diagram and description of the corresponding software module of the calculation, implemented in the Autodesk Inventor environment, in which the human body, when determining its center of gravity, is represented as a complex three-dimension object. This object consists of elements of different densities, while the data on the density of the constituent parts are obtained on the basis of the individual characteristics of the design object by interpolating information from external specialized databases. A comparative analysis of determining the coordinates of the center of gravity of a biological object using both the existing analytical and experimental-analytical segmentation techniques, and the proposed one is carried out. It is shown that the results obtained using the proposed improved analytical technique implemented in CAD, correlate very well with the results of the existing experimental analytical technique with a deviation of 3...4 %.


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How to Cite

Sydorenko, I.I., Kovban, S., Salii, V., Jiang, H. and Kuzmych, M. 2021. Human body cad modeling in the form of a variable density object. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(63) (Jun. 2021), 106–114. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering