Methodological aspects of the “environmental impact assessment” chapter making part of the projects feasibility study




environmental impact assessment, Leopold matrix, impact simulation models, quantitative and qualitative assessment, project goals


This article exposes an essay on harmonizing approaches to the development of methodological aspects used at “Environmental impact assessment” chapter integral to the projects feasibility study. The “Environmental impact assessment” chapter embodies a necessary component of the project overall environmental assessment. The suggested approach to identifying environmental problems at the project review early stages allows including to projects the measures aimed at improving the environment quality as well as at the environmental damage prevention, reduction and setting-off such impact. Methodological aspects of environmental impact assessment, presented in the article, depart from constructing the Leopold matrix with the creation of impact simulation models. The primary and most general approach to environmental impact assessment is implemented through building the Leopold matrix, which characterizes the qualitative relationships in the “cause-effect” system. In the described simulation model, two classes of indicator models are used: these of “environmental quality – influence” and “limiting environmental factor” (Battelle method). WHile project elaboration, the development of “Environmental impact assessment” chapter is considered as a single process of consistent detailing and refinement of quantitative and qualitative assessment as to the project decision impact on the environment quality. To identify and take necessary and sufficient measures on the potential unacceptable effects preventing in the process of environmental impact analysis and assessment considered shall be: the proposed project purpose ; reasonable alternatives to the planned activities; information about the environment condition in the proposed project activities’ region with reference to the appropriate spatial and time frame; characteristics of project and other proposals in the context of current environmental situation on such specific territory, taking into account earlier taken decisions on its socio-economic development; the planned activities’ possible implications and relevant activities’ alternatives; measures to prevent unacceptable social consequences due to the project implementation; proposals on upcoming decisions’ embodiement monitoring program elaboration and a plan for post-project environmental state analysis.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Kolesnikova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

DSc, Prof.,


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How to Cite

Olekh, H., Kolesnikova, K., Prokopovych, I. and Kozlov, O. 2020. Methodological aspects of the “environmental impact assessment” chapter making part of the projects feasibility study. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(60) (Feb. 2020), 109–127. DOI:



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