Water hammers into pipeline systems because of oscillatory instability





water hammer, verification, power equipment, pipeline system, inertia, oscillatory hydrodynamic instability, pump head-flow characteristic


The paper presents an analysis of well-known research on determining of the causes and conditions for water hammers into pipeline systems of different power facilities. Pulse high-amplitude dynamic impact on power equipment and pipeline system elements accompanies water hammers. When water hammers, the kinetic energy of the flow stagnation turns into the energy of the water hammer pulse. Water hammers can significantly affect reliability and operability of power equipment and pipeline system elements. It was revealed that oscillatory hydrodynamic instability effects are the least studied causes and conditions for water hammers into pipeline systems of power facilities. The method to determine the conditions for water hammers in closed forced circulation circuits of energy systems is considered. The method is based on the conditions for oscillatory hydrodynamic instability because of the inertia of the pump head-flow characteristic. The “time delay” of response of the pump head-flow characteristic to changing the flow hydrodynamic parameters defines the inertia. Verification of the considered method to specify conditions for water hammers is provided by the example of known results of experimental research. Professor Korolev’s experimental data obtained at the closed circulating experimental stand with piston pumps are used to verify the considered method. Calculations and experiments agree quite satisfactorily with the exception of a single mode, which also does not correlate, with other experimental data.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Skalozubov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.

Oleg Chulkin, Odessа Polytechnic National University



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How to Cite

Skalozubov, V., Alalі M., Bilous, N., Gablaya, T., Kochneva, V., Pirkovskiy, D. and Chulkin, O. 2019. Water hammers into pipeline systems because of oscillatory instability. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1, 1(57) (Mar. 2019), 84–89. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.1.57.2019.10.