Problems of measuring low feed rates of metal cutting equipment




precision of blade tool processing, feed rate unevenness, sources of speed unevenness, uncertainty of indirect velocity measurement, magnetic velocity sensors


The article is dedicated to the problem formulation of improving the method for measuring low feed rates in metal-cutting machines during finishing operations by using direct speed measurement sensors. The goal of the work is to review the issue of measuring low feed rates in blade machining in order to assess and minimize the uncertainties of feed rate measurements. The necessity of measurements and subsequent analysis of feed rate instabilities in metal-cutting machines within the range of 0 to 20 mm/min is demonstrated. It is shown that the uneven movement of machine tool elements can be a result of clearances in movable joints and overcoming friction forces in these clearances. The influence of the adaptive control system of the machine tool drive on the unevenness of feed rate is also presented. The effect on the unevenness of feed rate of different types of drives is described, including stepper motors, hydraulic and pneumatic drives, asynchronous motors with frequency converters, and servo motors. The main components of uncertainty arising from the indirect method of velocity measurement are described, related to uncertainties in time and distance measurement, errors in approximation during instantaneous velocity calculation, as well as errors associated with the discretization of time and distance measurements. Methods of direct feed rate measurement are discussed. It is shown that it is not possible to use sensors utilizing the Doppler effect for measuring small feed rates. It is noted that existing designs of magnetic velocity sensors have significant nonlinearity, which cannot be eliminated by adjusting measurement results. Limitations of known sensors regarding the length of the path on which the feed rate can be measured are specified. A promising direction for research on improving the method of direct measurement of small feed rates in metal cutting machines is identified.


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How to Cite

Holofieieva, M., Palennyy, Y. and Salyutin, M. 2023. Problems of measuring low feed rates of metal cutting equipment. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(67) (Mar. 2023), 90–95. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification