Determination of accelerations of points of a plane mechanism of the fourth class by graph-analytical method




mechanism, kinematic research, the velocity vector, velocity vector diagram


The use of complex plane mechanisms in processing equipment of consumer industry is increasing. Improvement of existing
processing equipment of consumer industry and design of new machines is connected with efficiency of existing analysis methods applied
for structural link groups of plane mechanisms, of which the last are composed. The methods of research of dyads are the most effective
today. Well known are the methods of analysis of structural groups consisting of four links. They form the 3rd class groups, on the basis of
which the mechanisms of the relevant class can be structurally synthesized. On the one hand the fourth class structural groups are already
being used or have significant prospects of application in processing equipment of consumer industry, on the other – the appropriateness
(effectiveness) of their use is not theoretically justified because there is no known method for their kinematic and dynamic researches.
Imperfection of analysis methods of such structural groups is a limiting factor of their use in processing equipment. The absence of a general
method of kinematic research of these mechanisms allows us to accentuate the relevance of work on kinematic analysis of multilink
mechanisms. Purpose of the work is to develop sequence of actions for kinematic research of accelerations of link points of a complex plane
mechanism using the grapho-analytical method based on the provisions of the “Theoretical Mechanics” course on instantaneous acceleration
center of links of the mechanism, which have plane-parallel motion. The acceleration vectors of link points of the second order fourth class
group of complex plane mechanism are analyzed using grapho-analytical method, which provisionally modified initial mechanism has led to
a class reduction of mechanism and allowed to conduct its research.


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How to Cite

Koshel, S. and Koshel, G. 2018. Determination of accelerations of points of a plane mechanism of the fourth class by graph-analytical method. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(55) (Jun. 2018), 28–33. DOI: