Parametric resonances arising from the piecewise constant excitation of elastic system of the grinding machine




intermittent grinding, parametric resonance, elastic machine system, the condition of instability


The aim of the research is to identify communication parametric stability of elastic system of the machine with the geometrical parameters of the working surface of the grinding wheel intermittent, which include the number of projections on abrasive tool and discontinuity factor numerically equal to the ratio of the width to the length of the depression cutting projection. The dynamics of grinding wheels with intermittent work surfaces and identified conditions of parametric resonance. Found that increasing the rigidity of cutting the boundaries of the elastic instability of the machine are expanding. This means that for the occurrence of parametric resonance with intermittent grinding must be a large enough relative depth ripple elastic stiffness of the system.


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Author Biography

Anatoliy Usov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering,D.Sc. (engineering), professor, head of the chair of higher mathematics and systems simulation,  Оdessa National Polytechnic University.

А. V. Usov was born in Khats’ki village (Cherkassy region) on July 11, 1949. He graduated from the Odesa Polytechnic Institute (1971, M.Sc. in mechanical engineering) and from the Odesa State University named after І.І. Меchnikov (1976, M.Sc. in mathematics). 

А. V. Usov is a well-known scientist in the field of machine building, information technologies    , mathematical simulation of technical systems. For the first time in the Former Soviet Union, he worked out and implemented a technology for ensuring the final production processing quality, a fiber cable manufacturing technique, as well as the corresponding thermomechanical processes control methods. 

In 1985 А.V. Usov created the scientific school “Thermal effects and control methods for ensuring the job surfaces quality at mechanical treatment” in the  Оdessa National Polytechnic University. He introduced his scientific products at some defence industry enterprises of Ukraine and Russia including the Ukhtomskyi helicopter factory (OKB “Kamov”, Russia), the Southern-Turbine works (Mykolayiv city), the Permskyi motor works (Perm city, Russia), the “Міcron” and  “Оdeskabel” plants  (Оdesa city). 

In 2001 А.V. Usov obtained his State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering for introducing state-of-the-art fiber cable manufacturing technologies. He has published 205 scientific works including 15 monographs, 1 textbook, 8 manuals, 4 author's certificates.      

In 1998 А.V. Usov was elected a member of the National Committee on theoretical and applied mechanics. In 2000–2006 he was a member of the Council of experts on machine science and general engineering, the Supreme  Certification Commission of Ukraine.

Working as the head of the chair of higher mathematics and systems simulation,  А.V. Usov has done a lot to improve the education and training courses. He is the head of a specialized scientific council on Ph. D. and D. Sc. dissertations at the Odesa National Polytechnic University, and permanently works with young researchers and educators.


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How to Cite

Usov, A. and Yakimov, .O. 2014. Parametric resonances arising from the piecewise constant excitation of elastic system of the grinding machine. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(43) (Apr. 2014), 60–68. DOI: