Gas chromatographic determination of the distribution coefficients in system “transformer oil — ionol — extractant” during ionol extraction with various volumes of extractant
gas chromatography, transformer oil, ionol, extraction, ethyl alcoholAbstract
Gas chromatographic measurement of the maintenance of an additive ionol in the transformer oil, promoting reliable operation of the oil-filled electric equipment, is allowed to carry out with use of ethyl alcohol for extraction ionol from transformer oil and the equation of single extraction with value of coefficient of distribution of Ki entering it for ionol in system “transformer oil — ionol — ethyl alcohol”. Ki's value needs to be defined previously, clearing transformer oil silica gel at value of an indicator “acid number” more than 0,1 mg the KОН on 1g transformer oil. The aim is to improve a technique of gas chromatographic determination of coefficients of distribution of Ki by use of ionol extraction from identical volumes of transformer oil with various volumes of ethyl alcohol. It is established that ionol extraction can be carried out without preliminary silikagelevy purification of transformer oil at values of an indicator “acid number” to 0,25 mg the KОН on 1g this oil.
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