High-precision remote temperature measurement method





thermal imaging method of measurement, surface radiation coefficient, reference sample, measurement accuracy, measurement uncertainty


The article considers the issues of improving the accuracy of temperature measurement with the help of infrared devices. A new method of remote measurement of body temperature by infrared devices, developed and patented by the authors, is described, in which a reference sensor in the form of a thin plate with a high coefficient of thermal conductivity is applied to the measuring surface. The method eliminates the main problems and factors that affect the accuracy of measurement. This is the coefficient of radiation of the surface of the research object, its physical condition, the presence of contamination of the surface of a solid body and, thus, allows you quickly and accurately measure the surface temperature of any body. The method also allows measuring the temperature of the gaseous medium by inserting a sensor into the area of contact with the measuring object in the form of a reference thin plate for heating, unlike all known methods of remote temperature measurement by infrared devices. To measure the temperature field of the gas flow, the sensor is inserted at an angle into the measurement area so that the infrared radiation is directed perpendicular to the receiving element of the pyrometer. The results of measurements of the surface temperature of various bodies in the process of their heating in comparison with existing methods are given. Possible errors that occur during the thermal inspection of the object and significantly affect the measurement results are considered. The presence of sufficient accuracy of the method allows its application within the automatic process control system. The use of the device based on the proposed method in the automatic process control system for measuring the integrated parameters of thermal processes by processing infrared fluxes from the surface of products and its integration into a separate link in the overall automated control system. The possibility of using the proposed method of measuring the temperature in the ACS technological processes is shown


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Author Biographies

Gennady A. Oborsky, Odessа Polytechnic National University

д-р техн. наук, проф.

Вoris А. Morgun, Odessа Polytechnic National University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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How to Cite

Oborsky, G.A., Morgun В.А., Prokopovich, I., Morgun, Y.B. and Golofeyeva М.O. 2021. High-precision remote temperature measurement method. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Dec. 2021), 81–87. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.64.2021.10.



Metrology, standardization and certification
Received 2023-12-14
Accepted 2023-12-14
Published 2021-12-21

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