Substantiation of modernized blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy at nuclear power plants with wwer




accident management strategy, blackout, loss-of-coolant accident


The analysis of the known results of RELAP5/V.3.2 simulation for loss of coolant & blackout accidents at WWER nuclear power plants showed that the design accident management strategies with design passive safety systems do not provide the necessary safety conditions for the maximum permissible temperature of fuel claddings, the minimum permissible level of coolant in the reactor and feed water in the steam generators. A conservative thermohydrodynamic model for a design and modernized blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy at a nuclear power plant with WWER has been developed. Design passive safety systems carry out the design accident management strategy: pressurizer safety valves, secondary steam relief valves, and hydraulic reservoirs of the emergency core cooling system of the reactor. Promising afterheat removal passive systems and the reactor level and steam generator water level control systems carry out the modernized blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy. The main conservative assumptions of the presented model of blackout & loss-of-coolant accidents: complete long-term failure of all electric pumps of active safety systems, the temperature of nuclear fuel in the central part of the fuel matrix is assumed as the maximum allowable one, effect of “run down” flow of a turbine feed pump and the coolant level in pressurizer on accident process is not considered. Computational modelling has found that violations of the safety conditions are over the entire range of leak sizes for the design blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy. For the modernized blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy, safety condi-tions are provided for 72 hours of the accident and more. The presented results of computational modelling of blackout accident management strategies for nuclear power plants can be used to modernize and improve symptom-informed emergency instructions and guidelines for the severe accident management at nuclear power plants with WWER. Application of the results of computational modelling of blackout acci-dent management strategies is generally not substantiated for other types of reactor facilities. In this case, it is necessary to develop calcu-lated models for blackout accident management taking into account the specifics of the structural and technical characteristics and operating conditions for safety related systems of nuclear power plants.


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How to Cite

Skalozubov, V., Spinov, V., Spinov, D., Gabalaya, T., Kochnyeva, V. and Komarov, Y. 2020. Substantiation of modernized blackout & loss-of-coolant accident management strategy at nuclear power plants with wwer. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(61) (May 2020), 70–77. DOI:

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